Attorney SEO for Law Firms

attorney seo

Attorney SEO is an essential component of digital law firm marketing, consisting of written and video content optimized for keywords that is published on a firm’s website, while also making sure it loads quickly and is mobile friendly.

Be the go-to resource online for your practice areas by publishing comprehensive articles that answer questions in full.


Keywords are at the core of any SEO campaign. When someone types in their query into Google search engine, Google scans billions of websites looking for those specific words before organizing results accordingly – an process which takes approximately 0.91 seconds for Google.

Start improving the search visibility of your law firm by researching which keywords prospective clients use to locate you online. Use tools such as Moz and Semrush to identify and track keywords.

As important as it is to choose keywords that reflect the needs of potential clients, choosing relevant keywords that resonate with potential clients can also help ensure higher search engine results. For instance, family lawyers might choose “divorce attorney” or “child custody attorney” instead of simply targeting “attorney general.” Furthermore, you should not only target keywords related to core practice areas but also consider transactional and informational keywords when creating search keywords for their website.

On-page optimization

SEO for law firms has become essential to drawing potential clients and competing in the digital environment. A strong SEO campaign can help a law firm rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs) and bring more visitors to its website, but several key considerations must be kept in mind before embarking upon an attorney SEO strategy implementation campaign.

On-page optimization refers to a series of techniques used to enhance various front-end and back-end elements of a website, such as keyword research, writing high-quality content, using appropriate HTML markup tags, etc. Of all these elements, page content plays an essential role in communicating value to both Google and website visitors alike.

Content should be optimized with relevant keywords, as well as being easy to read. This will allow search engines to more quickly identify the main topic of a page and rank it accordingly. Likewise, URLs should include key terms and be mobile-friendly so they can be accessed on various devices.


As more relevant backlinks to a website increase its search engine results rankings, so will its ranking. Backlinks act as votes of confidence from other websites that your content is worthwhile – however not all backlinks should be taken equally – selecting backlinks from reputable sources (for sites have more weight than random marketing blogs) may boost your SEO ranking more dramatically than just any link would.

Attracting high-quality backlinks requires publishing valuable content or engaging in outreach efforts. Google Alerts for your brand name can also help, providing alerts that notify when someone mentions your business online without providing a link – this will increase local authority while simultaneously increasing search engine rankings to make your law firm more visible to prospective clients. Internet users tend to favor those firms which rank highly, and may contact them more readily if their names appear prominently in results pages.

Social media

Social media provides law firms with an invaluable opportunity to connect with potential clients, increase website traffic and maximize conversion rates. Furthermore, keeping up with industry developments could open doors to expansion opportunities.

Social media can not only serve to promote content, but it can also aid search engine rankings by increasing quality backlinks. Google takes into account numerous factors – including social media engagement – when calculating search engine rankings.

Use social media to post engaging, informative content that attracts followers on social media to increase engagement and retargeting ads, while improving firm’s reputation and engagement with its followers. Furthermore, having a comprehensive Google Business profile with images and updates relevant for attorney SEO is also crucial, while encouraging clients to leave reviews is an effective way to boost search engine rankings.